Wednesday, September 23, 2009

like a sepia tone photo setting that you just can't change

I woke up at 6:35 this morning and looked out the window, thinking, "what's with the orange light...?" At around 7:20 I got up and was informed that it was a dust storm. Firstly, this was a new development for me, having never seen one before. So I was a wee bit WOW about the whole thing.

Then I went to school as usual, unaware that it was actually a Wednesday, only knowing that I had my English exam in half an hour. Sweet. I got told off for wearing socks with my uniform in stead of stockings, BTW, since when can my school tell me that I have no right to use my discretion about heat. If I think it is too hot, shouldn't I be able to wear socks?? It's not like they're not part of the uniform, because they are! Gosh, mate! English was fine, I could have finished my essay, but MRS. C. stopped us two minutes early! Good one! So yeah, I finished most of it, except the conclusion of my essay. Bugger. Oh well.
Then I came home, listened to the Wicked soundtrack, thanks to Perth ♥ =) and yeah. Studied. Yay.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


If winners are grinners, then I'm the fucking Cheshire Cat!

So I just packed up the economics study. That was going nowhere before it began. I assume that's because of the extraordinary about of alcohol I consumed in abut forty-five minutes. I won't count it, because that's immature, but let us say that it was a lot.

Why was I drinking in the first place? Because we (Briars ED 2) had just won our Grand Final against Dolphins and were celebrating.
I feel like this is going backwards because of the ... yeah, never mind.
And anyway, thank you to all those people that came to support us today. It made a huge difference knowing that you're being backed by approximately 100 people. Love it.

Thanks to Hannah as well, for her CD. Like it. NO, LOVE it very much. =) You're a champion.

I have discovered - though I knew for a long time - that I love post-it notes a hell of a lot.
I have detoured from the point anyhow!

First Briars team to win a grand final this year. Kudos to everyone, especially Sammy. The LEGEND.