I just want to throw my shoe.
Partly because I almost did this morning at a certain Ball-less someone because of their being Ball-less.
Partly because I don't get what people want me to do. Do you want me to admit to false allegations, I mean, I can't be more honest than saying I didn't do it.
Partly because you can't trust anyone.
I thought I knew that.
Partly because I'm helpless - it's their word against mine - and it makes me so tired to defend myself, but I have to. Maybe I should say nothing. Just get on with whatever I'm doing. That's probably the most sensible option.
I'm only doing the best I can, and I'm not going to apologise when that's not enough.
Partly because the two people I have a thing for aren't available - one because of a mere 12 years and the other because they like someone else. So, really, I'm alone.
The only promising thing right now is that I look hot in a leather jacket.

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